Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blog Redesign!!!

Been on the blog lately?  Realized all the changes? 

I have been working like crazy redesigning.  Changing things left and right.   Completely changed the layout.  Now all extras are on the right.  Put up my own banner about a week ago. 

Let me know what you think.  All  ideas are welcome.

How do you like the new signature I created?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

15-21 of 365 Owls

Day 15-  Cami owl.  Made a owl out of one of my hubby's old cami pocket.   Can you seen him clearly?  I dedicate Owl #15 to all the Marines I know.  YUT!!!

Day 16-  Just a drawing of an owl that I put on my 30 Days of Lists.  The pen that I used was this cool pen that bubbles up kinda does the whole embossing thing without the use of heat or anything.  Love it.  Owl #16 is feeling bubbly! ha ha!

Day 17-   Working with a collection is surprisingly very easy.  Gathered some of my tiny glass vases and made an owl family.  Maybe these can be used as candle holders.  Owl #17 glass owl family in pretty colors.

Day 18-  Love is in the air! I might be just a bit behind on the whole Valentines day thing.  Who says love doesn't happen every other 364 days of the year?  Owl #18 Owl Love.

Day 19-  Copper wire?  This owl is for those with some artistic sense for he is not quite the looker.  Working with wire is not the most fun thing in the world, it is also pretty hard.  Grr.  Proud of Owl #19 even in his weird coppery beauty!

Day 20-  I have to say this owl literally took me all day.  Who knew I could actually put a clock together?  Woohoo!  Embroidered everything on a cream colored fabric, hot glued the fabric to a piece of wood and installed the clock mechanisms.  Pretty nifty if I do say so myself!  Owl #20 is a vintage clock masterpiece.

Day 21-  Originally wanted to make a stamp out of a potato.  That plan went straight to the garbage once I realized I stink at even pealing potatoes.  Went on to stamping a sponge on some of my scrapbook paper using gold ink.  Then drew out the owl with permanent marker and the gold came up through  the marker.  Unexpected outcomes always seem to be the best. Owl #21 is golden.

Monday, March 21, 2011

8-14 of 365 Owls

Day 8-   My husband always gives me great ideas.  Half of the owls for this week came from him.  Beginning with this owl.  I'm so Hoot. O.k. So, its an inside joke with me and the hubby. Can anyone guess the DJ Khaled reference? No, it's from one of his songs, the actual line is "I'm so hood."  Gansta Owl is Owl #8.

Day 9-  Buttons, buttons, I love buttons! I got a crafting magazine a couple weeks ago that came with a kit to make buttons. Just attach the fabric and push the back in, super simple.  Giving me a great idea. Cross stitched a tiny owl and voula! Owl #9 on a button! Cute as a button! Sorry lame joke.

Day 10-  Time to play dress up... why yes... I believe so.  Woohoo!  Who wants a swashbuckling owl eye patch? Me and me boy do. O.k. I am just on a roll with these lame little jokes.  It's alright though because I have Owl #10.  Apologies my model is very active!

Day 11-  Happy St. Patricks Day! I made a blank card today. Can you say green crazy? Perhaps I might have gone a bit overboard with all the green.  Just couldn't help myself. Hoot hoot!  Owl #11 has clovers on the brains and eyes!

Day 12-  Literally did this owl last minute.  At around 11 o'clock I jump up like the crazy person.  How could I forget?  Neither here nor there.  He will make for a lovely postcard.  Owl #12 was made with some cardstock and sharpies a plenty.

Day 13-  I know I used this fabric already once this week.  However, I just couldn't resist.  I had to make a cute owl clutch.   I have to say I love it.  This will be my hurry and go purse.  I think I will make more of these.  Owl #13!

Day 14-  Diaper drawings.... Oh My!  Thought it would be cute if an owl went mobile.  And it has! Presenting Owl #14.... on a Diaper!

30 Days of Lists- week 3

Haha.  So, I am finally updating my lists.  Even have most of them on flickr now.  woohoo!  Getting things done!  I give you week 3 of days of lists. I hope you have as much fun reading them as I had making them.

Friday, March 18, 2011

30 Days of Lists- week 2

Here is the pictures of week 2 from the 30 Days of List project.  Sorry it took me so long to post them I have been busy making my owls. Promise to update more often!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

1-7 of 365 Owls

Day 1-  Here we go!  Decided to make something tiny for the first day.  Had this cork saved since New Years.  Not exactly sure why, but glad I did. I have carved and painted Owl #1.  Hurray!  1 Owl down 364 to go!

Day 2-  The Micrathene Whitneyi, commonly known as the Elf Owl, is without a doubt my favorite owl.  Given that I present to you my very first watercolor painting. Owl #2.
The Elf Owl usually grows no taller than 15 cm and weighs approximately 1 1/2 oz.  They live in Southwest United States and Mexico.  Nesting in woodpecker holes or natural holes in trees.

Day 3-  Owl #3 proved to be difficult.  I have always been o.k. at origami.  My folds never seemed to fit perfect, but that is fine by me.  However, folding this particular owl pattern really irked a nerve.  I mean reverse inside fold... what is that?  Several squares of paper later I decided to just stop reading the instructions and do what I feel is right. Making Owl #3 successful in the end.

Day 4-  Was going to go to the park with my son and make a wood chip owl. Sadly there was a change of plan thanks to the rain.  So, I looked for something else to do.  Ooo... do I spot canvas and embroidery floss?  Ding... bright idea.  Giving you Owl #4.

Day 5-  O.k.  I have to admit I had nothing planned.  I know artist's block on only the fifth day... how will I survive another 360 days?  Well, I am not sure but I know I can do it.  Thanks to a little encouragement from the hubby.  He brought up a good point some days I can just draw an owl... as long as I make one.  With that said here is Owl #5, fresh with smelly markers and dots!

Day 6-  Weeding out beans is not so much fun.  Playing with beans and making them into an owl shape SUPER FUN!  My husband was actually the one that gave me the idea to make the eyes, beak and feet out of mini pasta shells. The rest of the owl is made out of  kidney, pinto and small red beans.  Owl #6 is a kitchen masterpiece. Buon Appetito .

Day 7-  Made a pop-up card.  I have to admit I made the card in about 10 mins.  We spent the day out and about.  Therefore, I didn't get to my project till about 6... Aghh.. I know.  Still an owl is an owl!  Owl #7 wishes you a happy Hootinanee!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Altered Canvas Swap!!!

So, I have entered in an Altered Canvas Swap.  The theme is Vintage Spring.  In the canvas has to be the quote, "April showers, bring May flowers."  The process was grueling and I have to admit I had serious artist block half the time.

Hand painted each and every flower.  Dyed the feathers with food coloring, all that trouble just for them to look like grass.  Painted doilies to make them look like clouds.  Used paper bag for dirt and embroidered some roots on it.  Sequins as raindrops.
But it's finished and I can't be any happier!!!  I present to you my first altered canvas.

Monday, March 7, 2011

30 Days of Lists- week 1

If you look over to the left there is a link to another blog... 30 Days of Lists. I have been doing these lists with them! Really tons of fun! Here are all my lists for the 1st week.

365 Owls

Excited to start my 365 craft project!!! Inspired by The Crafters Devotional by Barbara R. Call and 365 A Daily Creativity Journal by Noah Scalin.

Starting today I will do one craft project a day. Each craft will have something to do with an owl. Every Sunday I will post pictures of all my projects for that week. I will also be sending some of these projects out to friends and family. Some owls will also be available for purchase through my new etsy store so stop by.

Let's hope I can keep this project going!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Drum Roll Please!!!

In honor of my 365 project and my 21st birthday I have decided to open a shop on Etsy!!! Yea! I will be selling most of my 365 projects to anyone who wishes to purchase them. I really hope that everyone can check out the shop once it is on full swing. I will be posting a link to the shop on this post and on the actually blog. Wish me luck!

Little Shop of Owls

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Hair!

I have been itching to dye my hair since I last did it about two years ago in purple. So, I decided to become the femme Heat Miser. Almost Snow Miser. However, my stylist (hubby) made me see the error of my ways. Therefore, with his help I have made my dream a reality. Made a trip down to Hot Topic, bought pink and orange hair dye, and had at it. Just in time to celebrate my 21st birthday!!! Woohoo!
Oh and a special thanks t0 my stylist once again for braving through it and actually dying my hair.